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This free guide explores the risks and effects of waterborne contamination, as well as tips on how to keep it under control, including:

  • What are ‘waterborne pathogens’ (Legionella, Pseudomonas aeruginosaStenotrophomonas maltophiliaTuberculous Mycobacteria& where the evidence they are a concern is
  • Recent stories from the media
  • What the guidance on water safety is and where to find it
  • How to implement the guidance on water hygiene

Fill out the form on the right to receive your free copy.


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Read more about Legionella Risk Assessments >


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About us

Through our consultant's extensive knowledge and experience, The Water Hygiene Centre offers expert, independent water hygiene consulting services. With our extensive range of risk management services, we can assist you with proactive water safety management and support.

What we do

We are proud of our reputation for being independent, free of any vested interests, and providing high-quality service to our clients. A wealth of knowledgeable, qualified, and dedicated water hygiene and Legionella consultants are available at the Water Hygiene Centre, all of whom provide objective guidance. Microbiologists, biologists, risk assessors, AE services, and professionals in building services are among our collective experiences.

We offer independent water hygiene services in a variety of settings. We provide expert training in person, online through Microsoft Teams, and we even with instant online on-demand courses.


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