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FREE TOOL: Training Needs Review Tool for your organisation


The objective of the Training Needs Review Tool is to provide your Water Safety Management Group with an informed status of water safety training. 

This free tool helps to:

  • Identify who is involved with Water Safety in your organisation and record their names against each role within the table.
  • Any training more than 3 years old will automatically be highlighted in red easily indicating that training is required.

This training review tool simply allows you to keep track of your team’s training records and easily helps you to identify when training has expired and requires refreshing. 

Take to Water Safety Management Group meetings for regular review.

Fill out the form on the right to receive your free tool. 


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About us

The Water Hygiene Centre provides independent, expert water hygiene consultancy services, achieved through the extensive expertise and knowledge of our consultants, we can assist you with proactive management and support on water safety with our broad range of risk management services. More information can be found here.



What we do

Since 2009, being based on independence, free from any vested interest, and with a high quality of service provided to our clients. The Water Hygiene Centre has a wealth of experienced, qualified and dedicated water hygiene and legionella consultants all of whom offer unbiased advice. Our collective experience includes Microbiologists, Biologists, Health & Safety Managers, Risk Assessors, Engineers and Building Services Professionals. Click here to see the services we offer. 


We deliver a range of Independent Water Hygiene services. We offer expert training face-to-face, online using Microsoft teams or we even have online, instant on-demand courses. We deliver a range of Independent Water Hygiene services. Click here to discover more.



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