Analytical Services

Sampling services using UKAS accredited laboratories


The Water Hygiene Centre is independent and impartial.  To this end, we have no laboratory facilities.  However, we are able to support clients who indicate they have a need for sampling or monitoring services. Having initially ascertained from the client that a need does exist for sampling and or monitoring, we can then assist the client in training their own staff in both sampling and lab selection.  Alternatively, we can also undertake sampling and monitoring on behalf of the client, if they prefer.  The services we can deliver:

  • Sampling for Legionella sp
  • Sampling for TVs, E.Coli, Coliforms
  • Sampling for other microbiological parameters e.g. Pseudomonas aeruginosa
  • Sampling for metals in water eg iron, zinc, lead and others
  • Sampling for other minerals in water
  • Temperature performance of water systems
  • Other system monitoring

There are two crucial parts to this service:

  1. Firstly, where the Water Hygiene Centre are commissioned to complete sampling, we select a laboratory that is UKAS accredited and that takes part in the PHE External Quality Assessment Scheme.
  2. Secondly, via the interpretation of sampling results, we will ensure that no under-reaction or over-reaction occurs, thereby avoiding both unnecessary risk and expense. Where the client has taken their own samples, we are also very willing to provide interpretation of test results from samples.

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