Blog Posts by Daniel Pitcher


Daniel Pitcher

With over 21 years of independent consulting experience, Daniel established the Water Hygiene Centre in February 2009 to be a ‘centre of excellence’ dedicated to independent water safety consultancy. His experience spans auditing, training, development of Water Safety Plans, incident investigations, competent help support and acting as Authorising Engineer [Water] [AEW] for NHS Trusts, Health Boards, Local Government, Universities and Housing Associations.
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Recent Posts

Pride June 2024
Back in March, I was asked by a friend if I’d be able to join the committee for Chipping Norton Pride, with the planned date of Saturday 1st June. Not entirely sure what I was letting myself in for...
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5 Step Guide: Legionella Risk Management - Education Estates
What is the appetite for risk amongst managers of education estates with responsibility for health & safety? We would expect such organisations to operate on the basis that risks to health and...
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Legionella Risk in Schools: Key points for good water management
Good water safety management within school properties can be distilled into the following areas: 1 – Determining management arrangements and responsibility; 2 – Establishing the level of Legionella
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BS 8680:2020 Water Quality - Water Safety Plan - Code of practice
What does BS8680 on Water Safety Plan - Code of Practice mean to me? During the day-to-day management of domestic water systems, whether large or small, there are occasions when a problem occurs...
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Local Authorities - Do we need an Authorising Engineer (Water)?
I guess the first question is, what is an ‘Authorising Engineer (Water)’? A review of the HSE Approved Code of Practice (ACoP L8) and the supporting HSG 274 Part 2 document shows there is no...
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How to efficiently organise meetings.
How many of us have meetings to attend i.e. Water Safety Group or Water Safety Plan workshops? These meetings can either be face to face, over the phone and via Teams and Zoom [the new way of...
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Authorising Engineer (Water) - always read the label…
In this blog, we look at some recent experiences when water safety and the Authorising Engineer (Water) role and responsibilities haven’t been understood, along with some explanations as to why...
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What are the definitions for ‘little use’ of an outlet?
Although this blog is based on a Healthcare webinar where the author was a panellist answering questions, this is part 2 of the blog, answering the question on little used outlets, is helpful read...
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Point of use water filters: are they a temporary measure?
This blog is based on a Healthcare webinar question, however the content on Point of Use Water Filters is a really helpful read for all industry sectors!
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Legionella sampling: coming out of lockdown!
In the previous two months, the Water Hygiene Centre has published various blogs on water safety and the implications of lockdown. The first blog on the 07/04/2020 ‘Post Lockdown re-occupation of...
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