Blog Posts About Authorising Engineer (Water)


What is an Authorising Engineer (Water)?
The title“Authorising Engineer (Water)” is not new. It has been used for some time in industry and also in the Ministry of Defence, where high-risk activities require a competent individual to...
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Authorising Engineer (Water) - Friend or Foe, Part 2
Authorising Engineer (AEW) as a Friend: One definition of the word “friend” taken from the Oxford English Dictionary is “a person who is not an enemy or who is on the same side”. As an AE(W), our...
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Authorising Engineer (Water) - Friend or Foe, Part 1
Confidence in your Authorising Engineer (AEW) with their knowledge and experience can play a key part in successful water safety management. AE duties are defined in the Department of Health’s...
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Healthcare - Who is the Authorising Engineer (Water)?
The title ‘Authorising Engineer (AE)’ is not new and has been in use for many years within the industry, where high-risk activities require a ‘competent person’ to oversee and provide assurance...
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BS8680: Key Components of a Water Safety Plan
Access to safe and clean water is a fundamental human right and a crucial aspect of public health. To ensure the provision of safe water, the World Health Organization (WHO) developed comprehensive...
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The Water Safety Group, explained....
This group, the ‘water safety group’ (WSG), isn’t a new idea! The concept of the WSG was first described in the Department of Health’s HTM04-01 2012 addendum and the subsequent revision of the...
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A Day in the Life… of an Authorising Engineer (Water)
Hello, I’m Peter, one of several Senior Consultants at the Water Hygiene Centre. I’m based in the East Midlands. I joined the company in 2010 and work with clients within both Central and Northern...
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Continued growth of our Authorising Engineer (Water) Team
Our seventh Senior Consultant joined the team at the start of January, a great start to the New Year!
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Authorising Engineer (Water) for Property Management Companies
For several years as an organisation, we have worked with Property Management Companies on various projects and our team members have carried out various tasks to support these companies, both...
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Authorising Engineer [Water] – Experiences to Share
Although under the HTM / SHTM regulations, Authorising Engineers should be appointed to carry out annual audits, to help with appointments and to provide assurance to the boards / trusts that their...
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