Blog Posts About Property Management


Legionella Control for Architects and Building Engineers
Water for building services isn’t entirely free from aquatic organisms; therefore, measures must be taken to guard against conditions that encourage the growth of water-borne pathogens such as ...
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Water Safety Projects: Design Control – Getting it right!
Historically, the interface between stakeholders involved in projects (i.e. new developments or refurbishments) and the Water Safety Group [WSG] has always been somewhat limited. This may be due...
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Water Safety: New Builds – Pitfalls and Downfalls
Managing the handover of a new build or construction project can be a challenging and complex process. Each project has its unique dynamics, and there can be both successes and failures throughout...
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Property Management Guide to Legionella Risk Assessments
If you are a Property Management Company, you will typically take responsibility for the management, maintenance, security and upkeep of a variety of properties. These properties may include...
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Legionella Control for Commercial Real Estate Companies
The primary responsibility of a commercial real estate company is to support and assist landlords with the rental of their properties. This includes marketing and leasing, rent collection,...
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Property Management: Legionella Risk in Commercial Offices
Like many buildings in the UK, commercial office buildings have been affected by Covid-19, specifically, how often, and how they are used. This blog explores the risks that water poses in...
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Authorising Engineer (Water) for Property Management Companies
For several years as an organisation, we have worked with Property Management Companies on various projects and our team members have carried out various tasks to support these companies, both...
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Facilities Management guide to controlling Legionella Risk
As a Facilities Management company what are your responsibilities when it comes to the control of waterborne pathogens such as legionella (amongst others)? Well, it may be as simple as what is...
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Steps to Take to Get Projects Right at the Design Stage?
The Water Hygiene Centre’s collective of Authorising Engineers [Water] have noticed a sharp increase in requests for supporting clients with their new projects [big and small] in the last twelve...
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Legionella Risk: New Builds – Pitfalls and Downfalls
The handover of any new build or construction project, is the culmination of a complex process to provide often much needed facilities.
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